I’m a genius. Someone should hire me.

Posted By on September 16, 2008 at 9:33 pm

I noticed in the news today that Jamie Gorelick, of 9/11 Commission infamy, turns up again as a player in the Fannie Mae kerfuffle.
Which got me to thinking. . . a dangerous precedent, that, but it happens from time to time.
I can see the political campaign TV commercial now. . . .

ANNOUNCER: Jaime Gorelick… Clinton crony… responsible for the gap between intelligence and law enforcement that contributed to the failures that led to 9/11, that cost so many lives and devastated our economy.

[Ominous music.]
ANNOUNCER: Hillary Clinton, even with a majority in congress, failed utterly to get her healthcare initiatives passed into law.

[More ominous music.]
ANNOUNCER: Jaime Gorelick, again in a seat of power at Fannie Mae, is at the center of another trillion dollar disaster…

[Slightly different ominous music.]
ANNOUNCER: … and Nancy Pelosi has led Congress to its lowest approval ratings in history.

[Even more ominous music.]
ANNOUNCER: In a time when our image is in tatters around the world…

[Yet more ominous music.]
ANNOUNCER: … when Americans are divided one from another…

[If you can believe it, still more ominous music.]
ANNOUNCER: … the answer is clear. Women…

ANNOUNCER: … just don’t belong in power.
[Musical flourish.]
ANNOUNCER: Obama/Biden in 2008. No chicks on our ticket.

OBAMA VOICE-OVER: I’m Barack Obama, and I approve this message.


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