Russ Emerson | November 6, 2012
I have an amazing bottle of scotch. The Macallan Cask Strength. That’d be 120.2 proof, to you mere mortals. Wake me up in four years. In the immortal words of Glenn Reynolds, the Instapundit: If Obama wins, I’ll be as gracious and generous as the Democrats were in 2000 and 2004.
Category: Drinks, Politics |
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Tags: 2012, doom, I'm still not gonna stick my head in an oven, Obambi, Romney
Russ Emerson | June 12, 2012
Stoaty Weasel: Liberalism really is a cargo cult. The Spanish know — in a dim, inchoate way — that roads are important to a thriving modern economy, so they built little road-shaped shrines out in the ass-end of nowhere, hoping prosperity would follow. It didn’t.
Category: Politics, Quotes |
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Tags: doom, Truth