Russ Emerson | October 25, 2012
On this day in history, 25 October 1415: [video_lightbox_youtube video_id=A-yZNMWFqvM width=1000 height=563 anchor=thumb imgwid=300 imgheight=169] I do love history, even if there might be some dramatic license involved. One wonders how our history might be different had Henry V not died (of dysentery) so young, only a few years after his most famous exploit.
Category: History, Movies |
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Tags: made of awesome
Russ Emerson | August 14, 2012
Via Allapundit, by way of Stacy McCain’s sidekick Smitty, an article from The Onion that has more than a mere ring of truth to it: Admit It, I Scare The Ever-Loving S**t Out Of You, Don’t I? By Paul Ryan Candidate for Vice President of the United States August 13, 2012 When Mitt Romney selected […]
Category: Humor, Politics |
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Tags: 2012, made of awesome, Paul Ryan