Exciting day

Posted By on September 15, 2008 at 8:32 pm

I went to physical therapy today; because of changes to my work schedule, it had been a couple of weeks since I’d gone.
Walking, I set another new personal record: 1080 feet, at just over 1mph. Watch out, speed demon coming through. I was completely exhausted, of course, when I was finished.
After PT, I made a huge mistake.
Well, really, I made the mistake last night, by not doing my grocery shopping online. So today I had to actually do my shopping afoot.
The shopping was mostly successful (ribeyes at $6.99/pound? Sign me up!)
At one point, however, my legs decided they’d had enough, and decided to take a little vacation. I sort of crumpled vertically, and landed on my butt in the soft-drink aisle.
It’s the first time I’ve fallen in several months, and the first time I’ve fallen in public, ever.
A store employee was at the other end of the aisle and saw it happen, and rushed over to make sure I was OK, and then to get help. Before they returned, though, a couple of my fellow shoppers were good enough to help out, by steadying my cart while I used it and my cane to lever myself up.
I did learn one thing — if you have to fall down in public, a grocery store is as good a place as any. The staff were very helpful, and very solicitous. You’d think they were afraid of getting sued or something. Three or four times while I finished my shopping and while I was checking out, manager type guys approached and asked if I was OK.
They were clearly afraid of a lawsuit.
If I were an evil SOB, I’m sure I could have claimed to have slipped on something, but no, this was purely a failure of my legs to hold me up after the day’s activity, and I told them as much.
The only thing I hurt was my pride.


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