Death and Partisan Politics

Posted By on November 4, 2003 at 9:39 am

Frank J., in today’s Bite-Sized Wisdom, makes a rather serious point.
There are those in this country who proclaim their concern and support for “the troops,” but who in fact delight at each casualty report for base, partisan political reasons.
After all, they themselves have never served in uniform. They know no one in the service. And they would certainly never encourage their own children to enlist.
Each death in Iraq is an opportunity for them to publicly proclaim their hatred of the President… but they care not one whit for the soldiers in the field, and would be just as happy to see a hundred casualties if it gives them an opportunity to bash the President.

… this has gone from political discourse to just being plain evil – a very mild but growing evil that show a real disconnect from one’s fellow man.
There are our men and women fighting and dying out there. They are fighting for us and they are fighting for a people yearning to live free from tyranny.

I think it’s more than a mild-but-growing evil – I think it is profoundly evil – but I think what Frank is saying is that there are only a few such people – so far.
The heart of the matter:

I just can’t understand how the phrase “We are losing a soldier a day,” can be followed by anything other than, “so let’s get those [expletive] bastards.”



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