A Week’s Worth of Twitter Updates

| July 9, 2012

ICYMI: Thus Spake Russ: Dad http://t.co/Vm29QQbD # I only ever delete typos, then resend them. RT @laurenmarie10: Yep. MT @cmdeb Do ppl rly not delete their DMs? They just let them pile up? # I have learned tonight that Kismet *really* doesn't like having tape stuck to his tail. And so has he. # [clever […]

Instant Message Excerpts: On Being a Network Engineer, 16

| July 7, 2012

My job is what you might call “intellectually challenging.” It’s pretty much all brain-work and typing, with the occasional bit of “maintaining good customer relations” thrown in. Some parts of the job, of course, are easier than others. Much easier. Like changing out bad cables…. Russ(2:55:34 PM): ok… the field tech is on site? Gonzo(2:55:47 […]