This Missive: Dismissive

Posted By on May 6, 2004 at 10:36 pm

Friends“? That was a TV show? Hmm, I must have been busy with something else….
I have never seen a single episode of Friends. Not once. If it were a choice between Friends and turning off the TV, I’d be reaching for the remote faster than you can say “annoying theme song.”
It’s going off the air? Feh. Tonight is the last episode? So what?
Nor, I might add, have I ever seen Buffy, or 90210, Baywatch, Survivor or ER (despite the fact that I went to junior high school with Anthony Edwards, who didn’t mind being called “Tony” back in the ’70s.). I don’t make it a practice to watch any sitcom currently running, except The Simpsons.
I only ever saw one episode of Seinfeld. I hated it. Passionately. I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of times I’ve watched Fraser.
Dramas? Ya, I watch 24 and CSI. Oh, and Monk, but that’s syndication-only, so I don’t think it really counts. Babylon 5 ruled. So did Firefly. It’s a pity they’re gone.
Reality shows? Oh, puh-leeze. I’d sooner crazy-glue my eyes shut, then nail them down just to be safe.
Glad I got that off my chest.


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