Things That Have Caught My Eye Today

Posted By on August 21, 2007 at 1:00 pm

A modicum of sanity in Oregon, where charges of felonious butt-swatting against two 13-year-old boys have been dropped. I don’t care who you are, butt-swatting when a 13-year-old should in no way mark you as a sex offender for life. Indeed, I can’t think of too many things a 13-year-old can do that ought to label them for life. Are you the same person now that you were when you were 13?
Steve H. prognosticates. He may be on to something there. Me, I think we’re looking at a major redefinition of the term “boob-tube.”
No, Gary, it’s not just you.
Garofalo to join cast of “24.” Fonzie to jump shark.
Louisiana Democrats attack Bobby Jindal’s religion. (Isn’t Louisiana a heavily Catholic state?) They once tried a whisper campaign about his ethnicity, so this really comes as no surprise. That they have to take his words out of context is not only unsurprising, it’s pretty much the standard modus operandi for Democrats these days.
John Edwards: not so bright. Less bright: the people who ever voted for him for anything.
Breaking and entering? Illegal. Squatting? Not so much.
LOL, cat.


One Response to “Things That Have Caught My Eye Today”

  1. Nathan Tabor says:

    Garofalo? Yikes! Here comes the moralizing…
    Two seasons ago, I would have said, “don’t worry…trust the writers.” Now…I don’t know, the jury’s out on this next season. I didn’t think 6 was abysmal, but it was a big step down from previous ones. Still, keeping my fingers crossed…