Road Music

Posted By on November 26, 2004 at 10:23 pm

After driving through territory this week in which virtually the only music on the radio is country/western, I am now convinced I need to change the oil in a dog, play fetch with a woman and snuggle with a pickup truck.
I may have misunderstood what I was hearing.


3 Responses to “Road Music”

  1. BethW says:

    Uh… yeah… you kinda got ’em mixed up… you play fetch with the pickup truck.

  2. mostly cajun says:

    You could look for an NPR station. I find that listing to NPR contributes to road rage…
    And oiling the woman is not a bad move…

  3. Mamamontezz says:

    But did you send the railroad train to prison for cheating?