Reflections on a scandal

Posted By on December 9, 2008 at 6:18 pm

A few things about the Blagojevich matter crossed my mind while I was doing my household chores this afternoon.

Does this face say anything to you other than “mobbed-up scumbag”?
I say that, of course, with no intention of insulting actual bags full of scum*, what with them working hard every day serving the useful purpose to society of containing scum for easy disposal.
Which, incidentally, is an apt description of the place where Blagojevich will be spending the next 20-years-to-life.

The soon-to-be-ex-Governor was in the news yesterday, trying to strong-arm Bank of America (which today gave in, somewhat.) This seems to me to be a small example of what got the economy into the mess it’s in: Big Government mandating to businesses that they behave in ways that do not make good business sense, pretty much forcing the business to lose (or give away) money.
See also: CRA.

This is the political culture into which Barack Obama deliberately insinuated himself.

This is not a good thing to happen to a President-elect.

At least with Bill Clinton, we waited a few years before any of his cronies were imprisoned.

Illinois, Illinois, Illinois… we’re going to have to revoke your statehood if you can’t come up with anything better than this.

I think the last truly Great And Good Thing to happen in Illinois was the Great Hippie Beat-Down of 1968
… although, Mayor Jane Byrne was somewhat entertaining, for those of us who lived near Chicago in the early ’80s. Cabrini Green!
… and I did date a wonderful girl while I was in college there.
OK, that wasn’t so good for the country as a whole. But it was pretty good for me, while it lasted.

* Yes, I know. Dennis Miller. I don’t think he’d mind me borrowing that turn of phrase.
With whom I happen to share a birthday.


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