Post-election observations, off the cuff, in the wee hours of the morning

Posted By on November 5, 2008 at 5:26 am

This is what happens when Republicans allow Democrats and Independants a role in selecting their nominee. Open primaries never made sense to me, and this only confirms my negative opinion of them.
Not, of course, that any other particular Republican would necessarily have won… but any of them would have run a better campaign.

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover they can vote themselves largess from the public treasury.”

Hence, Obama.

I figure the odds are 1 in 4 that Israel strikes Iran before the end of the year, while Bush is still Commander in Chief. They know they won’t be able to count on any support from the new administration. If I were them, I’d be thinking of launching before the week is out.

No one can call the US a racist nation again. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are going to need to find honest work.
Yeah, right, who am I kidding.

I need to find a good hiding place for my rifles.

Obama has a lot of political debts to pay. Maybe he can use all those illegal offshore campaign contributions for that.

McCain ran on his character and record, both of which are clearly superior to Obama, but he never had a driving vision onto which people could latch.

This feels a lot like the Clinton/Gore win in 1992… which was followed, you’ll recall, by the Republican congressional victories in 1994.

Palin/Jindal 2012!


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