Pillow Fiction

Posted By on May 25, 2010 at 11:23 am

I had one of the most realistic dreams last night that I’ve ever had. One of those dreams that, when you wake up, leaves you wondering whether it was something you remembered from the day before, or perhaps saw on the news. Unfortunately, it featured President Obama; unlike waking life, I couldn’t hit the mute button or change the channel whenever he made an appearance.
I began to suspect it wasn’t quite real, though, when in the course of the fairly dramatic events within the dream Obama did something brave, noble and self-sacrificing, something that didn’t involve him throwing someone else under the metaphorical bus.
But I still ended up checking the news when I woke up — that’s how realistic the rest of the dream was.
I’ve got to cut back on the late night red meat and DVRed 24.


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