A Week, More or Less, of Tweets
Posted By Russ Emerson on July 22, 2013 at 10:00 am
- It's barely the afternoon, I've been up only 3 hours, and I'm already thinking of taking a nap. How great it is to have Mondays off. ->
- @BailofRights You say that like it's a bad thing. in reply to BailofRights ->
- @TabithaHale Raaaaaaaaacist. in reply to TabithaHale ->
- @SalaciousSully Wow, that's a lot of rain. We only got about an inch and a half here yesterday. ;-) in reply to SalaciousSully ->
- Thunder booms. Kismet insist on me holding him. I begin to suspect that he trusts me to take care of him. ->
- @CatsPolitics We'll get there eventually in reply to CatsPolitics ->
- RT @rsmccain: @AaronWorthing @wjjhoge Bill Schmalfeldt's learning curve is like a Mobius loop. ->
- RT @iowahawkblog: Contrary to Detroit, DC shows you can prosper as a one-company town. As long as the company salesmen are armed. ->
- RT @KennedyNation: Eric Holder won't give George Zimmerman his gun back because he's already sent it to Mexico. And lost track of it. ->
- RT @RealJamesWoods: The only reason people lock their car doors when Obama walks by is they are afraid he'll tax them to death… ->
- RT @rsmccain: Remember: One should never speak ill of the ugly dishonest Jew-hating dead. ->