One bad apple. . . .

Posted By on May 31, 2009 at 9:45 pm

I’m Pro-Life. Always have been, always will be. The casual murder of the unborn is an evil beyond compare, and needs to be fought. This, though, is not the way..
Looks like they caught the shooter, by the way. I’ve seen people wishing that the killer was a disgruntled husband, or a relative of one of Tiller’s patients; I don’t think so. Gateway Pundit quotes one of his commenters:

Despite peoples’ wishes, I think we’re going to find out that Tiller’s murderer was indeed associated, albeit on the fringes, with some sort of pro-life organization.
That association will indeed be used to tar the entirety of the pro-life movement, in precisely the same way that the entirety of Islam wasn’t after 9/11, or the Left in general wasn’t after a Weather Underground bombing.
Don’t kid yourselves. The odds of Tiller having been murdered for any reason other than his “medical” practice are vanishingly small.

Actually, yeah, that’s me he’s quoting.
There will be a backlash against the Pro-Life movement. It’s coming. Never mind that the murder has been universally condemned — the forces of the Left, with the willing assistance of the most abortion-friendly (and gun-hating) administration in our history, will use this crime as a pretext to do their utmost to silence their opponents and, as a bonus, will likely try to leverage this incident to disarm Americans.
Now, I have a very hard time shedding a tear over the fate of a man who committed what I consider to be infanticide for a living, and I know I’m not alone. But let me be perfectly clear: murder, every murder, is wrong.
I am always dismayed when someone takes into his own hands the powers that are reserved to the State and to God: administration of justice, and judging a man’s soul. The latter is particularly to be regretted; there is always a chance for anyone to reform their ways, to repent of their evil past. Though the odds may have been slim, the murderer robbed Tiller of that opportunity to change.
The irony, of course, is that the murderer will get the justice he deserves… but in the right way, through the legal system. Meanwhile, he has done incalculable damage to the cause he purports to support.

Aside: Tiller was killed at church. I’m guessing that particular church isn’t really strong on the whole “repentance” thing. I mean, seriously, what kind of allegedly Christian church welcomes an abortionist, particularly one who unapologetically performs late-term abortions, without insisting on repentance and reform?
Would your church welcome, say, an unrepentant serial rapist into the fold?

Ed calls it domestic terrorism. Yeah, I think that’s about right.


One Response to “One bad apple. . . .”

  1. Kat says:

    I think it’s a lot more complicated than that. And God says love everyone. I think it’s commendable that they still accepted him into the church anyway.