No Results Yet

Posted By on March 20, 2007 at 3:36 pm

I just got off the phone with the neurologist’s office. It is, of course, too soon for the results of the MRI to have been fully evaluated. Three to five working days, I’m told. I’ll be on pins and needles.

I think that might be worse torture than the MRI.

Speaking of which, it occurred to me that if such non-torture “tortures” as waterboarding and panty-wearing are disallowed these days, setting up an MRI machine at Gitmo and running the detainees there through it under the guise of “providing medical care” might serve pretty well.

Lots of folks suggested that I take the offered tranquilizers before the MRI, but I declined — mainly because I had an hour’s drive from the MRI place to home, and because I was already pretty tired; I’ve only had one really decent night’s sleep since starting the Prednisone.

As it happened, the recommended tranquilizers weren’t necessary. As tired as I was, I dozed a fair bit, regardless of the loud and annoying noise from the MRI machine, with occasional jerking-to-awareness. Only towards the end did I get uncomfortable; I found myself having to remember to breathe.

So, for me it wasn’t bad, but then I’m a pretty relaxed guy… an extremely relaxed guy. But I can certainly see how 45 minutes or an hour stuffed into the machine might drive some people temporarily batty.

Many thanks to all the folks who dropped by (mainly via Mike, Misha and Joe) and left comments or sent me mail. It truly means a lot to me. I’m still working on individual replies for those that need them.

Let’s just keep hoping that whatever it is I’ve got, that it isn’t on the “bad” end of the spectrum.


4 Responses to “No Results Yet”

  1. Mike says:

    Be sure to keep us posted, Russ.
    And on the MRI, the wife just had one (an old knee injury that’s gonna need surgery soon, long story) and said it wasn’t bad at all. As a horse trainer, she’s been through ’em before, more than once — horse trainers tend to get injured quite often. So, as in your case, they’re no big deal to her, either.
    If I ever get put in one, though, they’ll probably have to break out the ketamine…

  2. Joe Tobacco says:

    Hang in there, big guy. Occurs to me you might need the sedatives more now, waiting on results, than you might have for the procedure itself.
    You are in our thoughts, old friend.

  3. Joe says:

    Let’s just keep hoping that whatever it is I’ve got, that it isn’t on the “bad” end of the spectrum.
    I’ll keep praying. ;)

  4. Marc V says:

    Catching up to your situation, and I’m joining the prayer team for you too. Romans 8:26 –

    Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

    That passage is for me as well as you, as we both do not know what we should pray for. Through our groanings the Lord will see us through.
    [PS I’m curious to hear if gout was an early indicator for what’s afflicting you now or if it was just one of those “bonus” things.]