
Posted By on September 13, 2007 at 11:11 am

Yesterday, a day not normal, while I lay prone, dressed informal
in a backless gown (hospital’s), central nervous system at the fore
While I lay there, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently tapping, tapping on my spinal cord.
‘Tis some medico,’ I muttered, ‘tapping on my spinal cord —
Only this, and nothing more.’
As I lay, the fluid draining, felt like I’d received a caning
legs en fuego, hips in pain, too, though there was a total lack of gore
Now it has become the next day, and oh so much to my dismay
hips and butt hurt in the worst way; truly, they are muchly sore.
After this “adventure” awful, my doctors do I implore:
‘nother such test? Nevermore!
(I am so sorry for that.)


6 Responses to “Nevermore”

  1. marge says:

    Ah yes – I rather liked this one But – I’ll wait to see John’s comment! He’s much more clever than I am!

  2. Marc V says:

    As dry as it has been around here, there’s not much for crows to pick on, let alone ravens. How about using some of your spinal fluid and sprinkle it on the ground as a rain offering? I guess you wouldn’t be able to follow that up with a rain-dance. A chant would be OK.
    It feels like it will rain nevermore.

  3. Skul says:

    I had to laugh. Ya, that’s sorry.
    I did the VA this morning. They finally decided my hearing isn’t quite up to snuff. Yippeee, I finally get some hearing-aides.

  4. John says:

    My brain is in non-clever mode right now–amusement later.
    Besides, Russ’ verse is truly rebardbative–random, non-sequitur comments from me would only complicate the matter.
    So let it be written, so let it be done.

  5. Robert says:

    I feel, or have felt, your pain!
    Did they warn you about where your belt should, or shouldn’t, be worn? And for how long? Most likely an small oversight on their behalf.

  6. Stephen says:

    I liked it Russ. Gonna flesh it out?