Mycah update

Posted By on August 5, 2008 at 5:52 pm

We’re back from the vet. Mycah didn’t complain at all about going, and in fact purred quite a bit, which is rather unusual for her. She’s usually best described as “sullen” — maybe she just liked having some time away from Kismet and Packet.
She has more of an appetite than she had yesterday, but she’s moving pretty poorly. She usually has a bit of a spring in her step, and “bunny hops” her way up the stairs. Not so, yesterday and today. She’s slow and deliberate going up and down the stairs.
The vet didn’t see any injury that might be responsible for her slow-down, and she didn’t appear to be limping, nor does she have one of her periodic ingrown claws. What we did find is that Mycah’s dropped some weight, down to 14 pounds. Still too heavy, but that much weight loss in just a couple of months might be a concern, given her diabetes and hyperthyroidism. And of course we need to be concerned about her kidneys, as well as the possibility of cancer.
The vet took blood to send to the lab, and tried to get urine, but as usual, Mycah was uncooperative in that regard.
The vet did say to let Mycah eat as much as she wants, whenever and whatever she wants — including human food. I’d better not catch her making eyes at my chicken dinner tonight… but if I have to share, so be it.


2 Responses to “Mycah update”

  1. Karen Jo says:

    I so hope that there is nothing seriously wrong with Mycah. Maybe the heat is getting her down a bit? I hope she feels better very soon.

  2. Jane says:

    I hope the blood tests show nothing serious is wrong and it’s just the heat getting Mycah down. Get well soon Mycah!