It Lives

Posted By on May 23, 2007 at 11:17 pm

I didn’t have the opportunity to train my sister how to post here during my absence, but I hope to rectify that for future occasions. Did I miss anything while I was away?

OK, here’s the deal.
The word from the neurologist, short version: idiopathic hydrocephalus.
This is far far better news than I could possibly have imagined. Not that it isn’t serious — left untreated, it is. But it is also very fixable.
I was admitted to the hospital Monday, went through a couple days of testing, and am now at home. There is more testing and, ultimately, brain surgery in my future, but not immediately.

I know a lot of people have kept me in their thoughts and prayers. If you’ve been a loner all your adult life, as I have, it’s a hard idea to get used to.
All I can say now is thanks, I’m humbled beyond words.
More later.


13 Responses to “It Lives”

  1. John says:

    “probably related to a deficiency of arachnoid granulations”? ( Man, sounds like your “Alien” hypopthesis was dang close! :)
    Seriously, Russ, what great news. Fantastic news. Best news I’ve heard in a loooong time! :D And something to really thank God for (though not glibly, as though He would have been unjust to let any of us die, or as though _this_ is the proof of his love, anymore than a grimmer diagnosis would be proof of its absence–tricky issues there).
    Cutting to the chase: I guess this means I can stop praying and re-dedicate that time to fine television viewing?

  2. Russ says:

    I hadn’t yet considered the Alien angle, in light of the news. Well, shoot… off to the library (and quarantine) for me.
    Seriously, though this is better news than I had any right to expect.

    Cutting to the chase: I guess this means I can stop praying and re-dedicate that time to fine television viewing?

    That, or alcohol consumption.
    Failing that, perhaps you could come up with some colorful and festive ways to celebrate whatever the next holiday dedicated to the Dear Leader might be.

  3. glad it was fairly good news.

  4. EricAtRandom says:

    Great to hear they found the cause and it’s treatable. I was so glad to see ya back online.
    Hard to be a loner with so many friends, huh?
    Take care,

  5. gturner6ppc says:

    Hmm…. It’s idiopathic.
    That leaves us free to speculate on the cause. I’m thinking it was a bizarre staple gun accident. :)

  6. Ith says:

    Treatable! That’s the word I was hoping to see. Wonderful news! YAY! And I vote for alcohol consumption :)

  7. Chuckg says:

    Awesome! Glad to hear it’s something they can *fix*.

  8. Cheryl S. says:

    So glad it’s something treatable. That definitely calls for a celebratory toast. And, yes, the toast does have to include alcohol.

  9. Skul says:

    Wait, did someone say it can be treated with alky?? Doctor Skul at yer service young fella.

  10. Stander says:

    I guess all that finger-crossing finally paid off. :O)
    Great news, Russ. Obviously brain surgery is still risky, but at least now you know what you’re working with.
    You just keep on keepin’ on. We’ll keep the prayers comin’.

  11. Jim says:

    Be careful when you tell Mycah you’re going in to “get fixed”.
    He might not understand.
    Still though, thanks to God for your good news. Prayers a wonderful thing!
    Best to you,
    Sloop New Dawn
    Galveston, TX

  12. Jim says:

    Be careful when you tell Mycah you’re going in to “get fixed”.
    He might not understand.
    Still though, thanks to God for your good news. Prayers a wonderful thing!
    Best to you,
    Sloop New Dawn
    Galveston, TX

  13. susan says:

    “Hard to be a loner with so many friends, huh?”
    Too funny! I am so glad that you finally found the cause.
    I am going to smoke a BIG pork butt and lift a glass today to the good news. MMMM, BBQ!