Interview with the Tyrant, and the Quote of the Day

Posted By on November 22, 2005 at 12:53 pm

Who’s your daddy Emperor? Misha, that’s who.
At Stop the ACLU today, a rare — no, uniqueinterview with the man behind the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler.
The money quote:

Most of all, we need to learn to be proud of our American heritage and all that we’ve achieved. We need to relearn the pride and gratitude that comes from living in the only superpower in the history of the world that didn’t use its power to force itself on others or steal what was theirs, we need to learn to not apologize for being the richest, strongest nation on Earth because we worked very hard for everything we’ve got, and we need to be constantly reminded that all of this, this blessing that is our homeland, was built on individualism and courage and not on collectivism and fear.


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