I have no life.

Posted By on December 31, 2003 at 10:32 pm

New Year’s Eve. At home. Alone.
Flu, maybe, though I had the flu-shot. Certainly a cold. Total insomnia last night.
Work today, as well as a fair amount of voodoo geekery behind the scenes at Blogs for Bush.
Party? No.
Pitcher of Gin & Tonics? Yes.
Happy 2004, everyone.


3 Responses to “I have no life.”

  1. Russ – don’t feel too bad. While I did spend the night with somebody, I was painting the hallway last night and today.
    And B4B needed the help, no?
    Ya done good, buddy!

  2. Russ,
    Happy New Year, Buddy. Sorry to hear that New Year’s Eve was a bust, particularly to the extent that being sick contributed to the shittiness. Had you been hitting on all cylinders, you could at least have trudged out to a local saloon a tossed back a few, and maybe even a few too many.
    If you are still feeling like Fido’s Ass, I recommend hot tea, with honey, a big hunk of lemon and a generour helping of Myer’s Dark Rum. Being sick never felt so good.

  3. I was surfing around your site and noticed that here: http://www.emersons.net/mt/archives/000264.html you missed linking to the Miserable Failure Project, as does Blogs for Bush and other way cool blogs do. ;-)
    I’ve heard that adding it to your blogroll helps with back pain, too. ;-)