Holiday Hustle & Bustle

Posted By on November 26, 2006 at 5:45 pm

It’s been a busy week here at the homestead — too busy to post, I’m afraid. Were it not a quiet night at work right now, I wouldn’t be writing this. Having a Mom come for a visit is one thing, but having sister and niece come to stay as well, and an uncle and aunt come for a quick visit, all while maintaining my weird-hours work schedule, has really kept me hopping.*
T-day was overall a great success. Lesson 1: always brine your turkey.
Lesson 2: don’t brush the turkey with butter if it’s going into a 500° oven; wait until the oven is down to 350° or thereabouts. ‘Twas a little smoky here for a few minutes, but fortunately we didn’t have to feed the fire department.
Lesson 3: there’s a use for every bit of the bird. What doesn’t end up as sandwiches or soup, the cat will surely be happy to take care of. As it happens, Mycah loves turkey.

I’d have got a picture of her snarfing down giblets, liver, etc., but those bits lasted less than a second. She absolutely hoovered them up.
My sister & growing-like-a-weed niece left for home this morning. Dang. I don’t get to see them anything like often enough.
Mycah goes for her tail amputation on Wednesday, and Mom leaves for her California home on Thursday. Busy times continue.
* In a metaphorical sense — my knee and back problems don’t let me literally hop.


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