For the Record

Posted By on November 2, 2005 at 12:23 pm

I’d just like to take this opportunity to note: my neighborhood is great, but it’s made so entirely by the people in it. I am fortunate to be surrounded by such a terrific set of neighbors.
I’m so glad I left San Jose.


2 Responses to “For the Record”

  1. Brad says:

    Rather than feeling better by “leaving San Jose,” (a place far from being some kind of hell-hole), why not say that you’re “so glad I came to North Carolina.”

  2. Russ says:

    For me, San Jose was a hell-hole. Crowded and expensive. Crowded, mostly.
    Let’s just say that when Sartre said, “Hell is other people,” I was forced to momentarily suspended my distaste for his thinking and writing.