First MRI Results: Diagnosis Delayed

Posted By on March 30, 2007 at 4:54 pm

I finally heard the MRI results from the doctor yesterday.
They saw nothing, nothing at all. No tumor, no lesions, no bad disk.
So now I have to undergo another MRI… this time, of my head and neck.
I’m more than a little concerned by this turn of events. If the problems I’m having were caused by a bad disk, I’d have figured it would be in the part of the spine covered by last week’s MRI. I suppose a bad disk in the neck might be responsible… but I’m less optimistic about that, and am more willing to believe that the less-pleasant problems are what’re happening here.
Coincident with this wonderful news, I notice that as I taper off the Prednisone as per my doctor’s orders, my symptoms are returning full force. While this may be diagnostically useful, it’s a major pain in the ass for me, as I have begun falling down a bit more often, and I can’t stand or walk for more than a minute or two at a time. From being merely an aid to balance, my cane has gone to actually providing support. There are other problems that I’ll not detail on a rated-PG website.
We’re working on scheduling the second MRI, to fit around my work schedule and to allow time to rustle up the scratch to pay for the damn thing.*
In the meantime, I once again want to thank everyone for their kind words of support. I still owe several replies to those who left a word here — I apologize for my tardiness.
* As a contract employee, I am among the uninsured. No, I do not want Hillarycare.


One Response to “First MRI Results: Diagnosis Delayed”

  1. Joe Tobacco says:

    Here’s hoping the results of the second test don’t show what you’re expecting.
    Didn’t know you were a contract employee either…that makes things even worse, should you need long term medical care.
    Keeping my fingers crossed, Russ. Hang in there.