Feeling better

Posted By on August 12, 2008 at 8:36 pm

Mycah seems to be much better today. She ate almost all of her breakfast, and perhaps two thirds of her lunch. We’ll see how she does at dinner.
[Because of my work hours, we’re on a weird feeding schedule. Each cat gets half a can of stinky goodness daily, in three increments, at (roughly) noon, 6pm, and midnight. On the extremely rare* occasions when I work at the office rather than telecommute, they get half up front, and half when I get home. The lads also have bowls of dry food left out where Mycah (due to lack of jumping ability) can’t get to them.]
She’s using the litter box… at least, to wee in. If she’s pooed today, I have no idea where. There are three litter boxes available, two of which she refuses to use. She is, more than most people, a creature of habit, that habit including an insistence on having a pristine litter box with fine-grain litter in which to do her business.
I scoop a lot.
Sorry, no new pictures today… but here’s a golden oldie of my best girl kitteh, back when she still had a tail… and about four pounds more flab than she has today:

* So rare that it hasn’t happened in about 18 months.


2 Responses to “Feeling better”

  1. Jane says:

    Glad to read that Mycah is feeling a bit better. Do you think she might have a furball lurking? I’ve known my cats go off their food when they are a bit bunged up that way and behave as if they are thoroughly poorly. Anyway, I hope she continues to improve!

  2. Ith says:

    I hope she’s feeling 100% soon!