Everyone Needs a Hobby

Posted By on January 5, 2007 at 4:00 am

In the wee hours of the morning, when I get home after work, I can’t really go out to the garage and run my power tools — the neighbors would probably disapprove, and as much as I like our local police folks, I’m not keen on them showing up at 2am on a disturbing the peace complaint.
So, to fill my need to do something constructive as I wind down from work, and to satisfy my hobbyist urges, I’ve taken up ship modeling. It’s really quite relaxing.
Last night, having figured out how to get safely from the recliner up onto the work table, Mycah decided to join in.

[Click for larger.]

Usually she would be begging for treats. I expected her to beg for treats. She knows where I keep them handy — in this photo, about three feet away from her butt, at her seven o’clock. I thought when she got up on the work table that she would make a beeline for them.
Nope, not this time. Instead, she plopped down in front of me and purred like a nitromethane-fueled chainsaw. She sat there purring, no begging, not even a hint of an ulterior motive, treat-wise.
She reveled in close to half an hour of brushing, skritching and petting before she decided it was time for her nightly trip to the litterbox, and off she went.
It occured to me that maybe she had just wanted to be near her human, but I’d worked from home, so she couldn’t have missed me. Maybe she knows what I did for her during her recent bout with cancer and was just being polite to me in return. More likely, she just found a nice place to lay down.
Or perhaps, she’s taken up a new hobby: hedonism.

Woohoo! It’s time for the Modulator’s Friday Ark.
Check back on Sunday for a fresh link to the Carnival of the Cats, this week at Leslie’s Omnibus.


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