D Minus 7

Posted By on November 12, 2007 at 6:28 pm

As the days count down to my date with a neurosurgeon, I still have things to get done. Foremost among them is getting this [expletive deleted] tooth fixed. If it’s not fixed, I don’t get to keep my surgery appointment.
So today I spent another afternoon in a dentist’s chair, having small mallets whacking my teeth one by one. “TING! Does that one hurt?” “No.” “How about this one? TING!” “No.” And so on.
Apparently, the meds I got last week are having an effect, but they aren’t a fix. I’m going to have to be re-root-canalled… and if that’s not going to do the trick, I’ll have to lose the tooth.
To keep my scheduled surgery date, I’d consider letting them pull all my teeth.


One Response to “D Minus 7”

  1. brad says:

    If you figure out another way to delay getting drilled, I going to start to get mad.