Census and Sensibility II

Posted By on March 9, 2010 at 11:10 am

I am tempted, when my actual census form arrives, to answer every question* with “none of your damn business.”
I do intend, however, to follow Michelle’s advice.
My race is American.

* Other than the “how many people live at this address” question, of course.


4 Responses to “Census and Sensibility II”

  1. Brad says:

    What about the picture of the USS Ronnie Reagan?

  2. Ed Smith says:

    I think for RACE in my particular situation is BEST answered by writing:
    White American
    Of another RACE they have three choices Black, African American or Negro.
    What do others think the BEST race answer is for the Census???
    White American or maybe even American White is the BEST way for us to answer them and is a win win answer.

  3. Russ says:

    I’m just gonna go with “American.” Color means nothing.
    Besides, I’m more a pale pinkish sort of shade.

  4. bigmodem.myopenid.com says:

    American would be the right answer if the survey was given in another country. If Chinese and Korean are an acceptable answers, then American works to. I guess they should change the question to be fair to ” black or white chinese” black or white korean” or “Black or White American”. Thus I would then just have to answer the other obvious way, HUMAN.