Quote of the Day

| January 20, 2012

Ace nails it: This aspect of the Paul agitation — seeking power without going through the bothersome step of ever securing permission — infuriates me. It’s always these games with rigging polls, caucuses, straw polls, etc. There’s an arrogant contempt of democracy here. “Infuriates” is the right word for it. The most rabid followers of […]

Quote of the Day

| January 5, 2012

Ace, and the magic of language: From Triumph To Triumph: California Board Puts Kibosh On High-Rail Boondoggle, As Economically Retarded Their word. They actually said that. The report really said, “economically retarded.” No it didn’t. But in that one moment of doubt, a million possibilities existed. I created those possibilities. You’re welcome. Positively lyrical, that.