:: BREAKING: MUST CREDIT THUS SPAKE RUSS :: Veep Biden: “It’s a Cookbook!”

| August 15, 2012

:: BREAKING: MUST CREDIT THUS SPAKE RUSS :: Veep Biden: “It’s a Cookbook!” 15 August 2012 Vice President Joe Biden was hustled off the stage while delivering remarks today at a campaign event at Virginia Polytechnic Institute in Blacksburg, Virginia. The campaign stop was proceeding normally until the Veep began discussing GOP VP candidate Paul […]

The Left has a new bogey-man.

| August 14, 2012

Via Allapundit, by way of Stacy McCain’s sidekick Smitty, an article from The Onion that has more than a mere ring of truth to it: Admit It, I Scare The Ever-Loving S**t Out Of You, Don’t I? By Paul Ryan Candidate for Vice President of the United States August 13, 2012 When Mitt Romney selected […]