Calling All Military Linguists

Posted By on July 23, 2004 at 8:03 pm

Apropos of my previous post….
In the year(+) since I began this blog over, I’ve encountered more former (and current) military linguists than I had in the decade(+) since I left the service in 1992. There are even several that I know of in my blogrolls. (Here, here, here and here.) (And here.)
Nathan over at Brain Fertilizer has a great idea for an alliance of military linguists.
How very cunning of him.
If you are a member of that elite club, go and drop him a comment. I’m going to try my mad photoshopping skills and see if I can come up with a logo and/or button graphic.


3 Responses to “Calling All Military Linguists”

  1. Jim says:

    Military Intelligence 96C2L29. 96C=Interrogator, 2L29 = German. I left this info with Nathan as well.

  2. Stephen says:

    “…an alliance of military linguists.”
    Yes, Russ. Let ’em all get in their licks.

  3. TMC says:

    I am a retired navy chiling. Does that count?