And so it goes

Posted By on May 19, 2009 at 2:57 pm

It’s approaching three years since the start of the Recent Neurological Unpleasantness.
Even after all this time, I find myself really annoyed at how long it takes to do even mundane tasks with my new-ish disability slowing me down.
For example, I need to change a ceiling fixture light bulb here in my office. I’ll need a ladder to do so. The ladder is, fortunately, still upstairs from when I had to change the smoke detector battery. Moving the ladder into position under the light fixture will take about an hour, as it involves moving a table out of the way. But then I have to get a fresh light bulb from the garage. To get to it, I’ll probably have to move my truck out of the garage. I’ll have to schlep back upstairs, and then climb the ladder — not a minor undertaking. Once up there, I’ll have to focus on not falling off the ladder while simultaneously changing the bulb.
I might get it done today. Maybe not. Perhaps not even this week.
I miss normalcy. Even with periodic severe back problems, I never ever thought I would be permanently affected. I’d better get used to it, but I don’t have to like it.


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