A Week of Tweets

Posted By on May 20, 2013 at 12:10 pm

  • RT @AaronWorthing: Nothing is more pro-life than executing a serial killer. #Gosnell because pro-life really means "pro-INNOCENT-life." @jo->
  • RT @iowahawkblog: If you think Benghazi & IRS are bad only insofar as they "help the GOP," you are a pathetic moral cretin. ->
  • How does someone as monumentally stupid as Tamara Holder survive to adulthood? The gene pool was better off when such idiocy was terminal. ->
  • RT @CuffyMeh: Right now @AP reporters are ripping up the back of their notebooks where they daydreamingly wrote ? Mrs. AP Obama ? ->
  • RT @NolteNC: Hi @AP – See what sucking up to Obama got you? He didn't even leave money on the dresser. ->
  • RT @NolteNC: Shorter Jay Carney: "Listen, media, the President doesn't know Sh*t, okay?" ->
  • RT @LadyLNorth: Did you mean Pederast Harry Reid? MT @RBPundit: Harry Reid just said what led to murder charges in #Gosnell was that place … ->
  • So it turns out Packet likes corn nuts. Cats are weirder than I ever imagined. Weirder than I *can* imagine. ->
  • RT @iowahawkblog: The US Dept of Justice is apparently the paramilitary wing of Media Matters. ->
  • RT @jslconsulting: Lie. Lie about lying. Send Carney out to lie some more. Golf. Fundraise. Blame Bush. Lie about something else. Repeat. ->
  • If I could bottle the smell of my kitchen right now, I'd be richer than Croesus. Um… is "Croesus" on the IRS' hit list? ->
  • RT @SooperMexican: shut up hippies. ->
  • RT @cameronpickford: Surprised to see the Marines holding the President's umbrella. Usually it's the Media providing cover for Obama. ->
  • RT @AceofSpadesHQ: What's up with Steve Miller's hair? He looks like Daniel Boone had sex with William Shatner's toupee. ->
  • RT @AceofSpadesHQ: Government is a corporation whose main business is auctioning the power to coerce one group of people off to another gro… ->


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