The horror…

Posted By on December 14, 2008 at 11:29 am

Kismet woke me up earlier than usual this morning. I have had maybe four hours of sleep.
I have no coffee in the house.
None. No instant coffee, even. Just decaf. This is a personal disaster beyond compare, beyond belief.
Sure, there’s a Starbucks five or six miles from here… but a trip out of the house requires a lot of preparation on my part — which might be impossible without caffeine. I’m guessing they couldn’t be bribed to deliver.
I wonder how Diet Coke tastes, hot?
Maybe I can suck on some used coffee grounds.


One Response to “The horror…”

  1. Call me late for dinner, just don’t call me…

    … an ingrate. Many many thanks to loyal reader MJ, who, having read about my dilemma last week, sprung into action and shipped me six packs of Starbucks ground coffee. It was a complete and much welcome surprise. I figure…