Slip Sliding Away
Posted By Russ Emerson on June 9, 2005 at 12:00 pm
Not all fifth columnists can be found in parades on the streets of Berkeley.
I am reminded today of Conquest’s Second Law:
Any organization not explicitly and constitutionally right-wing will sooner or later become left-wing.
It’s not hard to find real-world instances of the Second Law in action. I always think of the World Council of Churches and the Nobel Foundation as prime examples.
Amnesty International has always been somewhat lefty, but their recent slide into the furthest reaches of leftist ass-hattery is surely confirmation of some sort.
See Captain’s Quarters for coverage of an interesting tidbit: AI called for nations to violate diplomatic immunity and arrest American leaders and diplomats overseas.
I’d noticed this at the onset of the recent “gulag” flap, but it didn’t stick in my mind. Thanks to Captain Ed for the reminder.
Update, 13Jun05: Interesting… see Ed’s followup on the details of what constitutes diplomatic immunity.