Skritch magnet

Posted By on March 28, 2008 at 9:00 am

Mycah is a complete and utter hedonist.

But then, not too many cats could be described as altruistic.
Or many people, for that matter.

A visit to the Modulator’s Friday Ark is required. Get thee hence.
On Sunday, it’s the Carnival of the Cats — this week at Nikita’s Place.
And for your recommended daily allowance of Cat, there’s the Cat Blogosphere.


4 Responses to “Skritch magnet”

  1. Oh yes, scritches are fabulous. Mycah, it looks like you are really enjoying those scritches!

  2. Tybalt says:

    Skritches are the best!

  3. Rahel says:

    Awww! I’d love to skritch Mycah, too!

  4. Gayle Miller says:

    Mycah appears to have the same heft that my Sam does – and just as skritchable a tummy!
    I love how Sam always ACTS like he’s being put out when I come upon that wonderfully ample tummy being displayed in the middle of the living room carpet – but I notice that (a) he continues to make the tum available for my ministrations and (b) he makes no move to escape my attentions!
    Humans are very lucky to be permitted to “serve” our domesticated feline family.