Seriously Ticked Off

Posted By on January 16, 2006 at 10:31 am

My DVR completely and utterly failed to record the season premiere of 24 last night. I am a bit unhappy about that.
Define “a bit” however you like… but you’ll probably underestimate the irritability in this household today.
I wonder if any of my neighbors managed to record it?


2 Responses to “Seriously Ticked Off”

  1. Scott B says:

    I have it on VHS. I could send you the tape. Not as good as DVR, but at least you could see it.
    Email me if you want me to send.

  2. Beth says:

    Supposedly, you can put stuff from TiVo onto your computer… if I can figure out how to do that, then I can try to figure out how to send it to you as a file… thoughts?