Quote of the Day

Posted By on January 14, 2004 at 1:18 pm

I love Thomas Sowell.

This is an age when people who are contributing nothing to society gain fame and fortune by denouncing those who are contributing something, because those who are contributing something are not doing so the way idle on-lookers would wish, or in a way that those ignorant of the process would consider right.

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2 Responses to “Quote of the Day”

  1. Notable Entries

    In case you missed them, here are some entries worth reading by my friendly fellow bloggers: Darren Kaplan reviews the lengthy and complicated history of the U.S. relationship with Saddam Hussein. There is also a Part II. Hootinan reports on…

  2. Stephen says:

    Boiling antipathy to the clear,
    Structural hate drives keening fear;
    Deep is the plea (life, this thy sting?)
    From swallowing nothing is anything.

    From We Are The Trolls