
Posted By on January 23, 2008 at 1:42 pm

Yesterday I had my post-surgical followup appointment with the neurosurgeon at Duke. The point, as far as I was concerned, was to make sure that I’m ready for serious physical therapy, something I haven’t actually been doing yet.
So, off to Duke. When we got there, we valet-parked the truck, and then proceeded from the front entrance of the facility to the Neurology Clinic — a distance we estimated at about two or three blocks. It’s a big facility. For the first time, I covered this ground without using a wheelchair. That was easily the farthest I’ve gone and the longest I’ve been on my feet in a year.
I get around the house these days with a cane, but when out of the house I still use my crutches; it’s a matter of safety, really. I’m still too shaky to get very far without three points of contact. But when walking, I don’t actually lean too heavily on the crutches, if I can avoid doing so; I use them for balance — because falling down sucks like a nuclear-powered Hoover.
So I made it to the Neurology Clinic in one piece. The doctor poked at my surgical scars, had me take a few steps unsupported, and pronounced himself more than satisfied with my progress. Most importantly, he gave me the go-ahead to proceed with physical therapy.
I then made the trek back out of the clinic. I figure I covered perhaps half a mile yesterday; my legs, hips and butt are certainly complaining about it today.
Since the surgery, I’ve regained most of the feeling in my legs and control of most of the muscles I haven’t been able to use for the past year. This is a huge improvement, but it does come with a downside: my legs hurt. Not all the time, but the muscles, particularly the hamstrings and calves, are as tight as a bowstring.
I’ve already made the appointment for my first PT session, on Friday. If I survive it, I’ll try to describe it.


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