Happy Birthday, Sis

Posted By on August 6, 2007 at 12:37 pm

My little sister is having her ??th birthday today.
No, I’m not telling.


5 Responses to “Happy Birthday, Sis”

  1. Cara says:

    Thanks, Russ. It’s nice that I can still be called “little sister” when I’m ?? years old. And thanks for always being my big brother. :)

  2. Cara says:

    Oh, and Russ, it’s actually not my ??th birthday, its my ??st.

  3. Robert says:

    And here I thought you were only @@ years old today.
    Anyway, Have a happy birthday and hope and pray you have many more!
    Sorry we missed you in Tenn last year!

  4. John says:

    You’re ??? Russ told me last week you’d be @#!$!!! years old–what a two-faced imperialist yankee devil/running dog/hooligan he is!! (Scott Beauchamp was right about US soldiers, for those who can _dare_ face the _truth_!!)
    Gotta run–time for my meds!

  5. Cara says:

    So now you know why, when people ask me my age, I tell them “*#%!@?!”
    Not sure why they seem so offended by it…I guess age-ism is alive and well.
    Rob, when I missed you and your family in Tenn last year I said… something similar to my age.