Don’t Laugh
Posted By Russ Emerson on August 31, 2009 at 10:11 am
I know what you’re thinking. I do. “A musical version of War of the Worlds? Are you insane?” Well, that’s the 70s for you. 1978, to be specific.
I have to admit, it does sound crazy… until you listen to it.
After you’ve had a look at and a listen to the Moody Blues’ own Justin Hayward singing the achingly lovely song “Forever Autumn” in this excerpt from a 2006 live performance of Jeff Wayne’s War of the Worlds, you will be convinced that this was how H.G. Wells would have wanted his story to be told.
If you dare try to tell me I’m wrong about it, you’ll need an appointment with your dentist to fix the consequences.
This is art, dammit.
I am not laughing, no sirree, in fact I’m getting on a plane at oh-dark-hundred tomorrow to go see the MOODY BLUES in concert with the Dallas Symphony, 2 nights in a row!!
And when, oh when, are they going to bring WOTW to tour on THIS side of the pond??