Today’s reading assignments
Posted By Russ Emerson on October 6, 2008 at 2:45 pm
The Anchoress: Why He’s Voting for McCain/Palin
Patterico: L.A. Times Distorts the Record on Responsibility for the Mortgage Crisis
Ed Morrissey, Hot Air: Israelis dispute pro-Obama video, plus (and it’s about time) McCain blasts Obama, Democrats for Fannie Mae meltdown
Protein Wisdom: Obama and the Attempt to Destroy the Second Amendment
Cold Fury: Ayers America
IMAO: In My World: Guilt by Association
And some not-overtly-political stuff. . .
Castle Argghhh!: Like fingers of a hand: Four Soldiers, Sailor secure safe passage in Afghanistan
Hog on Ice: Finally, a Movie Where You’re not the Villain
Lifehacker: DIY Skills You Know (and Don’t)
Wizbang: The Knucklehead of the Day award