Quote of the Day
Russ Emerson | February 13, 2009
John Nolte: The reason you keep thinking Hollywood’s finally hit bottom is because you forget how well they dig. From his review of The Reader, at Big Hollywood.
Russ Emerson | February 13, 2009
John Nolte: The reason you keep thinking Hollywood’s finally hit bottom is because you forget how well they dig. From his review of The Reader, at Big Hollywood.
Russ Emerson | January 22, 2009
Robert Stacy McCain: So far as I can tell, conservatives aren’t going through anything like the grief/angst/outrage that Democrats went through after the 2000 and 2004 elections. There may be activists who would like to generate that kind of reaction, but most conservatives have got real lives — jobs and families — and don’t go […]