Prepare to be… well, not amazed, or thrilled, or anything that implies “goodness” or “rightness.”

| December 24, 2009

As Mætenloch says over at Ace of Spades HQ, Everyone should watch it once. But only a fool watches it twice. You have been warned. I’m only putting it here for your viewing “pleasure.” I’ve already seen it, while I was on convalescent leave after surgury two years ago. I think it delayed my recovery. […]

Hitler rants about ACORN

| September 17, 2009

Hitler’s rants from the film Downfall have been fodder for hundreds of parodies. My first-ever shot at making a humorous* video is a bit topical. I wondered last night how long it would be before someone did this… then reasoned that perhaps I ought to do it myself. It made for a longish evening. So […]