Not Vacationing
Russ Emerson | April 28, 2005
Sorry for the lack of posting… I’ve been busy this week, and too tired at night to think straight. In lieu of original content, here’s a picture of naked chicks with guns:
Russ Emerson | April 28, 2005
Sorry for the lack of posting… I’ve been busy this week, and too tired at night to think straight. In lieu of original content, here’s a picture of naked chicks with guns:
Russ Emerson | October 1, 2004
Separated at birth? Thanks to Zombie, via Bill at INDC Journal for the picture of the lefty weirdo. Which one that is, I’ll leave to you to decide. (Apologies for the crappy photoshop job.) Update: Welcome, Instapundit visitors. My very first ‘lanche, and it had to be on a cheesy photoshop job. Late update, 1/30/2007: […]