Better bullets

| December 11, 2003

Looks as if the Army is experimenting with upgrading the varmint rifle M-16 to accomodate a larger round, 6.8mm versus the 5.56mm round currently in use. Kim has had a lot to say in the past about the M-16 being, alternately, a “banjo” or a “poodle shooter” (or both simultaneously), and I find it hard […]

Quote of the Day

| December 3, 2003

While rhetorically dismembering Pacifism as an ideology, Ironbear notes: [T]he ownership of weapons and the responsible excercise of that right is inherent to freedom. And it’s the backbone to all other freedoms. It’s a nonarguable concept – that’s why so many weapons control/banning enthusiasts complain that we’re “unreasonable” on the subject: We are. From “Pacifism […]