Brief Setback

Posted By on December 26, 2007 at 11:59 am

There is an odd lump that’s formed in my abdomen, above my liver, under the surgical scar. It’s about the size of a softball, and pretty firm. I think it’s the drain output, which ought to be inside the peritoneal cavity; this lump is outside.
I think it’s causing a drainage problem, perhaps a back-pressure issue. I’ve lost some of the progress made since the shunt was installed — the legs exhibit returned muscle weakness, as well as some neuropathy, including numbness and an occasional spasm.
So, it’s back to the hospital for me today — blood work, x-rays and a CAT scan. Hopefully it’ll be a simple thing to remedy and the shunt flow can resume.


One Response to “Brief Setback”

  1. susan says:

    In the words of my coworker: “crap”!