
Posted By on September 25, 2006 at 9:01 pm

I’m normally a heavy sleeper. Minor things — light, noise, and so on — can keep me awake, but once I’m asleep, a grenade under the bed wouldn’t be enough to wake me up.
Certainly, a house exploding half a mile away didn’t wake me.
When I was sick last week, one of the reasons I felt like complete crap was a lack of sleep. I’d woken up in the predawn hours last week Thursday to stagger to the little sergeant’s room, but was unable to get back to sleep due to the noise of a number of helicopters which were flying around the neighborhood.
I thought it was the Marines, who often fly through the area, though I’d never noted them to do so at such hours. Usually, though, they just fly past on their way to or from Cherry Point, but these birds were loitering in the area.
I finally managed to fall asleep again an hour or so later; the sun was coming up. [I have blackout shades, so the sunlight wasn’t a problem.] I don’t remember, but I presume the choppers had left. When I finally awoke later in the day, I felt like warmed-over dog crap, so I called in sick and went back to bed for the day.
I gave no more thought to the helicopters which had kept me awake. This weekend, though, a co-worker and I started chatting. He lives just down the road from me, and asked me what I thought about the explosion.
Yes, explosion.
I never heard it, but it explained why the helicopters were pestering me.


2 Responses to “Boom”

  1. Once I slept through a tornado.

  2. Nathan Tabor says:

    I hope you will consider posting your thoughts on the upcoming state elections in November. Perhaps profiling a few of the conservative candidates such as State Sen. Fred Smith. He’s a good man, worthy of our support and votes since the GOP is being taken over by so-called moderates (liberals).