Blustery Day

Posted By on January 25, 2004 at 10:19 am

Having been a bit laid up due to the back injury, I haven’t spent much time in front of the computer(s) doing my regular reading, and consequently I’ve had little to say.
Sorry about that. Maybe I should try to shift the laptop into the bedroom.
Last winter, we had an ice storm that took out hundreds of trees, and electricity in the Raleigh area was out for as long as a week in some places. My neighbors and I were lucky — only a few trees down, and the power was up & running within 18 hours
This year, so far, we’ve been lucky, winter-weather-wise. Until today:
It shows snow for Raleigh, but the local weather folks are saying it’s actually going to be sleet & freezing rain.
Oh, bother.


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