Blogroll Addition
Posted By Russ Emerson on January 9, 2004 at 9:49 pm
George Turner, one of the brightest of the non-blogging Loyal Citizens, is now blogging as the Knight Errant.
Go. See.
Update: George, displaying his intelligence, rapidly dropped and moved to TypePad – go see him instead at BastardSword.
Hi Russ! Hope your back quits hurting soon! I’m thinking of moving my blog over to typepad.
The new attempt is at
I’ve already got my songs as links in the left column, divided up by category.
My latest is “Salsa, Joy Of Man’s Desiring”
Oops! That should just be
Or maybe it is the first link. I’m trying to get javascript sitemeter to run, and it’s giving me a headache.