Amazon Linking Pays Off

Posted By on July 29, 2004 at 5:54 pm

Thanks to those of you who have clicked through and made purchases at Amazon, I actually have made a profit some revenue from this site.
$3.62 — the first 3.62 steps on my quest to buy a new truck. Or a new gun. Or a new anything. If I were Andrew Sullivan, I’d be shooting for a bigger target — a new house, maybe. But my goals are rather more modest.
Seriously: many thanks to those of you who have used me as a gateway to Amazon. I figure every little bit helps.
In light of that, the right sidebar will henceforth be including one or two books I’m currently reading (but no more than two, desite the fact that I usually have more than two books in progress at any given time.)
Not blogads, as such, but I figure what the heck — give it a shot. And it might give you an insight into the enigma that is Me.


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